Two parents and two children reading together on a tan couch. Text overlay: READsquared trainings 2024

READsquared is an online registration tool provided by the NYS Library to public libraries to support Summer Reading Programs statewide. The online portal offers a customizable interface to support online registration and connect participants with activities, book lists, challenges and more. It's also available for Android and iOS mobile devices.

The READsquared team has set up two virtual trainings for New York State libraries prior to Summer 2024. There is no need to pre-register for the training. Library staff can simply join the training on either February 26 or 27. The same training is being offered on both days. 

The trainings are scheduled for Monday, February 26 at 1:30pm, and Tuesday, February 27 at 2:30pm. Please send any questions about this training opportunity to

Join a training session.

Dial in by phone: +

Conference ID: 518-509-521 #