The E-Rate program is an important federal funding program that ensures libraries and schools have affordable access to modern telecommunications and information services. Public libraries and public library systems, not-for-profit special libraries, and reference and research library resources systems are all eligible to participate in the E-Rate program. E-Rate funding helps libraries purchase advanced telecommunications services, Internet connectivity, and internal connections to meet the information needs of New Yorkers. Libraries in New York State annually receive nearly $10 million dollars in E-Rate funding.
Under FCC’s Learn Without Limits Initiative, there have been some exciting new developments in the E-Rate program which will expand funding opportunities for libraries and schools. These include a three-year cybersecurity pilot program and support for Wi-Fi hotspot lending programs. Both are open to both new and existing E-Rate participants.
The cybersecurity pilot program is a three-year program designed to gather data on cybersecurity in schools and libraries, and determine if E-Rate funds can be used to better support cybersecurity costs and equipment. There will be a two-part application process, which opens in the fall of 2024. All eligible libraries, schools, and consortia are invited to apply using a new FCC Form 484. Those selected to participate in the pilot program will be asked for more detail information in part two of the application. Selected entities commit to participating through the full three years of the pilot program.
On July 18, 2024, the FCC approved rules to permit eligible schools and libraries to request E-Rate support for Wi-Fi hotspots and mobile wireless internet services that can be used off-premises. This support will be available starting with the next E-Rate funding year (FY2025).
Finally, a recent court decision has been making the news- the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that the Universal Service Fund (USF) structure is unconstitutional. This is the mechanism that provides funding for E-Rate and several other federal programs. The decision is likely to be appealed. NYS Library is following all developments in consultation with our E-Rate partners, E-Rate Central and the Schools, Health, and Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB). In the meantime, E-Rate funding and administration are not affected and applicants should proceed as usual.
For more information about the E-Rate program and libraries, please visit the Division of Library Development’s E-Rate and NYS Libraries page.