Several people working on laptops at a large shared table. Text overlay: NOVELny Databases for 2024-2025

The NYS Library is pleased to announce that funding for the NOVELny (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library) statewide eResources was included in the New York State Budget for 2024-2025. NOVELny is an electronic resource access project that enables libraries across New York State to give their communities online access to the full text of thousands of journals, newspapers, and other references.   

Pending required approvals, the current NOVELny databases will continue through June 30, 2025, and new resources will be added on July 1, 2024. The new resources cover test and career preparation, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, high school materials, legal forms, and literature. 

NOVELny is an online virtual library connecting New Yorkers to 21st century information via libraries and library systems statewide. NOVELny is an electronic resource access project that enables libraries across New York State to give their communities online access to the full text of thousands of journals, newspapers and other references.

Available Databases


  • Gale Business: Insights (Gale, a Cengage company)
  • Gale Business: Entrepreneurship (Gale, a Cengage company) [New!]


  • Gale OneFile: Educator’s Reference Complete (Gale, a Cengage company)

General Periodicals:

  • Gale Academic OneFile with Gale OneFile Collections (Gale, a Cengage company)
  • Gale OneFile: Academic OneFile Select (Gale, a Cengage company)
  • Gale General OneFile with Gale OneFile Collections (Gale, a Cengage company)
  • Gale OneFile: Informe Académico (Gale, a Cengage Company)

Elementary Level General Periodicals:

  • Gale In Context: Elementary (Gale, a Cengage company)

Secondary Level General Periodicals:

  • Gale In Context: Middle School (Gale, a Cengage company)
  • Gale OneFile: High School Edition (Gale, a Cengage company) [New!]


  • Encyclopedia Britannica (Britannica Digital Learning, a division of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.): Includes Britannica School, Britannica Academic and Britannica Escolar


  • Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine (Gale, a Cengage company)
  • Gale Health and Wellness (Gale, a Cengage company) [New!]


  • Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints (Gale, a Cengage company)

Job and Career:

  • Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep [New!]


  • Gale Legal Forms (NYS forms) [New!]


  • Gale Literature: Books and Authors [New!]


  • Gale OneFile: News including The New York Times (Gale, a Cengage company)


  • Gale OneFile: Computer Science (Gale, a Cengage company)

The databases listed will be freely available to over 5,900 public, school, academic and special libraries currently registered for NOVELny. If your library is not registered please contact the NOVELny Help Desk. Please contact the NOVELny Help Desk if you have any other questions about the databases.