Crowded field of white flowers with green centers. Text overlay: May Flowers, New York State Library

Here at the New York State Library, we have myriads of flowers. It all depends on the angle through which you choose to view them.  For instance, we have art books with paintings of flowers. We have photography collections with flowers from all over the world. Then, we have more specialized tomes on topics such as arrangement, gardening, and reproduction. There are flowers through the lens of New York State: past festival brochures, exhaustive accounts of state flora, and much more. Whatever your choice, please enjoy the colorful view of May Flowers at the New York State Library!

Barnhart, R. M. (1983). Peach blossom spring: Gardens and flowers in Chinese paintings. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

Bayley, K. (1909). Easter lilies: Reverie [score]. Koninsky Music Company. *

Botanical fine art weekly. (1894). Wild flowers of America: flowers of every state in the American union. By a corps of special artists and botanists.  

The book of flowers: Flora and Thalia; or gems of flowers and poetry. (1836). Carey, Lea, and Blanchard. 

Dreier, T. (1918, Jan.). The blue flower: A monthly magazine for lovers of flowers. Gloeckner.

Dunthorne, G. (1938). Flower and fruit prints of the 18th and early 19th centuries, their history, makers and uses, with a catalogue raisonné of the works in which they are found. Author. 

Erickson, R., George, A. S., Marchant, N. G., & Morcombe, M. K. (1973). Flowers and plants of western Australia. A. H. & A. W. Reed. 

Gerdts, W. H. (1983). Down garden paths: The floral environment in American art. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 

Goodale, G. L. (1894). The wild flowers of America. Bradlee Whidden. 

Grandville, J. I. (1865). The flowers personified. (N. Cleaveland; Trans.) J. Miller. 

House, H. (1921). Wild flowers of New York. University of the State of New York. *

Line, L., & Hodge, W. H. (1978). The Audubon Society book of wildflowers. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. *

Meeuse, B. (1984). The sex life of flowers. Facts on File.

Mitchell, P. (1973). Great flower painters: Four centuries of floral art. The Overlook Press. 

New York State Department of Commerce. (1981-1983). I love New York spring flower festival

Osgood, F. S. L. (1841). The poetry of flowers and flowers of poetry: To which are added, a simple treatise on botany, with familiar examples, and a copious floral dictionary. J. C. Riker. 

Perleberg, H. C. (1938). Fleurs en couleur. Author.  

Pratt, R. (1942). The picture garden book and gardener’s assistant. Howell, Sockin, Publishers, Inc. 

Preininger, M. (1936). Japanese flower arrangement for modern homes. Little, Brown, and Company. 

Prentice, T. M. (1973). Weeds & wildflowers of eastern North America. Peabody Museum of Salem. *

Proctor, J. (1978). Color in plants and flowers. Everest House. *

Pryke, P. (1993). Flowers, flowers!: Inspired arrangements for all occasions. Rizzoli. 

Redouté, P. J. (1982). Lilies, and related flowers. Overlook Press.

Reed, C. A. (1912). Wild flowers of New York. Mohonk Salesrooms. 

Sprague, I. (1887). Flowers of the field and forest: From original water-color drawings after nature. Nims and Knight.

Throop, C. W. (1879). Water color studies taken during two summers in Switzerland, 1877 & 1879 (BD23582). New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, New York State Library. Albany, NY. 

Torrey, J. (1843). A flora of the State of New York: Comprising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hitherto discovered in the state; with remarks on their economical and medicinal properties. Carroll and Cook. 

James Vick’s Sons. (1869). Vick’s illustrated guide for the flower garden and catalogue of seeds. James Vick. 

Willsdon, C. A. P. (2004). In the gardens of Impressionism. Vendome Press. 

Yoshida, T. (2002). Portraits of Himalayan flowers. Timber Press.