View from behind of a young person reviewing notes and plans tacked up on a wall. Text overlay: NYSL, Plan Your Visit

While you’re visiting the Cultural Education Center to view The Moral Arc Toward Freedom: Lincoln, King, and the Emancipation Proclamation, why not use the opportunity to spend some time in the NYS Library? We have exciting collections to explore and knowledgeable staff to help. We encourage library visitors to prepare in advance to make the best use of their library time. Here are some steps to take in advance: 

Identify Materials 

The NYS Library maintains a number of online resources to support your research. Before your visit, you can browse an A-Z list of all NYS Library collections. You can also check out our catalog guide for tips on tracking down items across our collections. If you’d like some further guidance, don’t hesitate to Ask a Librarian! Reference librarians can advise you about the types of materials that may be relevant to your research. 

Visitors can also request that materials be retrieved in advance and made ready for use upon arrival. If you plan to visit our Manuscripts and Special Collections unit, be sure to make an appointment

Get Familiar with Library Policies 

It may be helpful to review library policies as you plan out your visit. Check out our policies around On-site Use of Library Materials or get familiar with the rules of the MSC and Archives Research Room. 

While you’re at it: why not check for Upcoming Public Programs? The NYS Library offers monthly public programs, and many of them cover using our collections and completing onsite research. 

Make a Parking Plan 

The NYS Library is located in the Cultural Education Center in downtown Albany, but you don’t have to sweat parking on the day of your visit! We have tips on metered parking and visitor lots, as well resources for scouting traffic conditions and lodgings. You can find that information on our Visiting the Cultural Education Center page.