The New York State Library selects and retains materials according to the guidelines in its Collection Development Policy. For the most part, materials added to the collection are retained indefinitely.
Bibliographic selection staff are responsible for retention and disposal decisions for the materials in their respective subject areas.
Gift materials are dealt with in the Gift Policy and Procedures Statement. The categories of Library materials to be evaluated for retention or disposal in this statement are:
Recommendations of the respective bibliographic selection staff, concerning retention or disposal of Library materials, will be conveyed to the following supervisory staff for appropriate action:
For Duplicate Materials - Supervisors for the following units: Acquisitions and Gifts; Circulation and Stacks/Public Services; Documents; and Manuscripts and Special Collections.
For Materials Withdrawn for Other Reasons - Supervisors for the following units: Acquisitions and Gifts; Cataloging; Circulation and Stacks/Public Services; Documents; Manuscripts and Special Collections; Preservation.
For Original Copies Replaced by Reformatting - Supervisors for the following units: Acquisitions (Monographs Only) and Gifts; Cataloging; Circulation and Stacks/Public Services; Manuscripts and Special Collections; and Preservation.
The decision for and method of disposal of materials shall be a responsibility of the Executive Group or their appointed designee.