Attica Prison. Thirty-eighth annual report of Attica State Prison for fiscal year April 1, 1968 to March 31, 1969. (Albany: Department of Corrections, 1969.)
NYSL Call No.: D PRI 082-1 202-13
Badillo, Herman. Bill of no rights; Attica and the American prison system (New York: Outerbridge & Lazard; Distributed by E. B. Dutton, 1972)
NYSL Call No.: C365.974793 B136
Bell, Malcolm. The turkey shoot: tracking the Attica cover-up (New York: Grove Press, 1985)
NYSL Call No.: C365.641 B434 86-25131
Coons, William R. Attica diary (New York: Stein and Day, 1972)
NYSL Call No.: C365 ZAc75
Featherstone, Richard Andrew. Narratives from the 1971 Attica prison riot: toward a new theory of correctional disturbances (Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, c2005)
NYSL Call No.: C365.97479 F288 206-2983
Forgotten Victims of Attica. A time for truth: public report of The Forgotten Victims of Attica (Attica, NY: The Forgotten Victims of Attica, [2003])
NYSL Call No.: C365.64109 qF721 203-2530
Hudson, James A. Attica (New York: Kimtex Corporation, 1971).
NYSL Call No.: N365.9747 qH885
The legacy of Attica. (Rochester: Gannett Rochester Newspapers, 197-?)
NYSL Call No.: C365.973 L496 202-10039
Melville, Samuel. Letters from Attica (New York: William Morrow, 1972)
NYSL Call No.: C365 Zm5m5
Prather, Jeffrey Lynn. 400 days at Attica. (Bryn Mawr, Pa.: Dorrance, 1983.)
NYSL Call No.: C365.66 P912, 85-30273
New York (State). Dept. of Audit and Control. Division of Audits and Accounts. Financial and operating practices, Attica Correctional Facility, Attica, New York, September 1, 1969-September 30, 1972.
NYSL Call No.: D AUD 200-4 ATTCF 1969/72 1551126
New York (State). Dept. of Correctional Services. Attica Correctional Facility (Albany: The Department, 1973)
NYSL Call No.: D COR 815-4 ATTCF 91-26447.
New York (State). Dept. of Law. Final report of the special Attica investigation ([Albany]: The Department, 1975.)
NYSL Call No.: D LAW 119-4 FINRS 76-519
New York (State). Division of Audits and Accounts. Audit report on financial and operating practices, Attica Prison, Attica, New York, January 1, 1963 - August 31, 1969. (Albany: The Division, 1971)
NYSL Call No.: D AUD 200-4 ATTPR 1963/69 82-71803
New York (State) Goldman Panel to Protect Prisoners' Constitutional Rights. Report of the Goldman Panel to Protect Prisoners' Constitutional Rights(1971).
NYSL Call No.: D PRI 700-1 1971 75-13416
New York (State). Select Committee on Correctional Institutions and Programs.State of New York Select Committee on Correctional Institutions and Programs : held at New York County Lawyer's Building, 14 Vesey Street, New York, New York on Friday, February 11, 1972 at 9:30 o'clock a.m. (New York: Ralph Fink & Associates, Certified Stenotype Reporters, 1972.)
NYSL Call No.: D COR, 770-2 2/11/72,94-25800
New York (State). Select Committee on Correctional Institutions and Programs. Report. (New York: The Committee, 1972-1973.)
NYSL Call No.: D COR,770-1,94-25788
New York (State) Special Commission on Attica. Attica, the official report; plus 64 pages of on-the-scene photographs (New York, Bantam Books, [1972])
NYSL Call No.: D ATT 050-1 9/72 1550243
New York (State) Special Commission on Attica. In the matter of the public hearings at Rochester, New York, April 12, 1972: before ... [the] Commission members, Robert B. McKay, Chairman [transcribed by Leon Zuck, reporter] (Commerce Reporting Co., [1972])
NYSL Call No.: D ATT 050-2 1972
New York (State) Special Commission on Attica. Testimony of Robert R. Douglass, T. Norman Hurd, A. C. O'Hara, Howard Shapiro [and] Michael Whiteman before the McKay Commission, on April 15, 1972.
NYSL Call No.: D ATT 050-2 4/15/72 1474920
New York (State) Special Commission on Attica. Testimony of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller before the McKay Commission, on April 5, 1972
NYSL Call No.: D ATT 050-2 4/5/72 1474919
New York (State). Temporary Commission of Investigation. A disclosure of Attica grand jury information: WHEC-TV's documentary, "Attica, ten years later" (New York: The Commission, 1982)
NYSL Call No.: D INV,650-4,DISAG,83-70603
Oswald, Russell G. Attica-my story (Garden City : Doubleday, 1972).
NYSL Call No.: C365.974793 O86
Oswald, Russell G. Since Attica: the past year of penal reform. (Albany: Department of Corrections, 1972)
NYSL Call No.: D COR 815-4 SINAP 1550798
Philip, Cynthia Owen, comp. Imprisoned in America; prison communications, 1776 to Attica. (New York: Harper & Row, [1973]).
NYSL Call No.: C365.6 P549 73-2395
Ryan, Michael.Attica. Transcribed Interview of Dalou Gonzalez, Oral history, ca. 1975-1977 (unpublished manuscript).
NYSL Call No.: N 19626
Tisdale, Celes, 1941- comp. Betcha ain't; poems from Attica. (Detroit: Broadside Press, 1974).
NYSL Call No.: C811.5408 T613 75-8798
United States. Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit). Inmates of the Attica Correctional Facility vs. Nelson Rockefeller, governor: decision of the United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, December 1, 1971. (University of the State of New York, State Education Dept., 1971)
NYSL Call No.: LIB 470-4 INMAC 99-14340
Wicker, Tom. A time to die. (New York: Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co., 1972)
NYSL Call No.: C365.974793 W636 73-4615
Wylie, Max.400 miles from Harlem; courts, crime, and correction. (New York: Macmillan, 1972).
NYSL Call No.: C 364.973 W983