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RAC Vision

Framework, strategic priorities, and collaborative action outlined by the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries. Includes curated funding and guidance resources.

Our Shared Values

The RAC Vision process included discussions, interviews, and focus groups. These conversations identified a set of shared values endorsed by libraries of all types in New York.

These values are the basis for the strategic priorities in our Vision framework, guiding both internal and external decision-making.

Universal Access

Libraries play an essential role in ensuring all New Yorkers have the information they need to participate in public life fully.

Equity for All

Our libraries champion equity, diversity, and inclusion and model how to incorporate it by having collections, staffing, programming, and leadership reflect our communities.

Resilient Communities

The success of libraries is inextricably bound to the success and growth of our communities. Libraries are part of a sustainable ecosystem, requiring active participation in and with their communities.

Passionate Advocates

Libraries advocate for the public good through intellectual freedom, transparency, net neutrality, digital justice and inclusion, and creating equitable, inclusive organizations that welcome all experiences, talents, and perspectives.

Innovation Engines

By strategically collaborating with stakeholders, libraries continuously evolve -- learning, growing, and recalibrating services to support their communities.