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Creating a More Perfect Union

Exhibit Gallery Creating a More Perfect Union 2020

Book title page opposite photograph of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence housed in the Library of Congress

Related Books: Constitution....Account of its Travels...1787

The Constitution of the United States: an Account of its Travels Since September 17, 1787, Library of Congress

Cover of book The Living Constitution with U.S. flag stripes on blue background

Related Books: The Living U.S. Constitution

The Living U.S. Constitution: Story, Text, Fully Indexed Guide, Portraits of the Signers, Saul Kussiel Padover

Cover of book Framing of the Federal Constitution featuring building tower clock

Related Books: Framing of the Constitution

The Framing of the Federal Constitution, National Park Service

Cover of A Musical Skit for Children featuring a painting of George Washington at the Constitutional Convention

Related Books: A Musical Skit for Children on the Constitution Convention

A Musical Skit for Children on the Constitution Convention, Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution

Cover of book The Constitution's Children featuring George Washington's portrait with miscellaneous children on a background of American iconography

Related Books: The Constitution's Children

The Constitution's Children: A Collection of Essays by Schoolchildren to Commemorate the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, 1787-1987, US Education Department

Cover of Miracle at Philadelphia featuring red stars in a circle on a white background

Related Books: Miracle at Philadelphia

Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention, May to September 1787, by Catherine Drinker Bowen