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"Poor" Almanacs

The State Library also has copies of almanacs published by Poor Joe, Poor Robin, Poor Roger, Poor Thomas and Poor Will, as well as Poor Rabbin's Ollminick for the Town O' Bilfawst.

"Poor" Almanacs Gallery

Title headline and date with publishing information and pricing

Poor Thomas Improved: Being More’s Country Almanack for the Year of Christian Account, 1766

Title headlined with date, publishing information, and content decriptions

Poor Will's Almanack, for the Year of Our Lord 1778

Title headlined with date, publishing information, and pricing

Poor Rabbin's Ollminick for the Town o' Bilfawst: Containing various different things which ivvery parson ought t’be acqueintit with, 1861; wrote down, prentet, an’ put out, jist the way the people spakes by Billy M’Cart