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Almanacs for Sales Promotion

  • August Flower and German Syrup Almanac
  • Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
  • Dr. Harter's [Medicine Co.] Almanac and Receipt Book
  • Kickapoo [Indian Medicine Company] Almanac and Household Guide
  • Merchant's Gargling Oil Co.'s National Almanac
  • Security Life Insurance and Annuity Co. Almanac
  • Shaker Almanac
  • Singer [Manufacturing Co.] Almanac
  • [Dr. Kilmer's] Swamp-Root Almanac
  • Velvet Joe's Almanac

Sales and Promotional Almanacs Gallery

Title headlined with date and a portrait of an old man smoking a pipe flanked by four scenes

Velvet Joe's Almanac 1921

Title and date incorporated into illustration of garden gate archway

August Flower and German Syrup Almanac 1894

Green Garden's August Flower product description with customer testaments

August Flower and German Syrup Almanac 1894

Page 26

“… August Flower … [i]nvigorates the stomach and gives it new life and ambition to do its duty …”

Title and date with Singer Sewing Machines text inside S shaped logo of a woman using a sewing machine

The Singer Almanac 1905

title and date with illustration of Native American woman in front of various scenes of Native life

Swamp-Root Almanac 1916

Title and date incorporated into pastoral scenes and an old woman reading a book

Shaker Almanac 1884

Product description and makers, the Shakers of Mount Lebanon NY

Shaker Almanac 1884

Inside front cover

title and date with publishing information above illustration of medicine insignia on a pastoral scene

Dr. Harter’s Almanac and Receipt Book 1874-75

title and date on an illustration of a woman and owl sitting upon a crescent moon

Merchant’s Gargling Oil Almanac, Dream, and Fate Book 1885