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New York State Library Public Service Guidelines for Federal Government Information in Electronic Formats
- The New York State Library, a Regional Federal Depository Library, provides free public access to Federal Depository Library information in electronic formats, including CD-ROMS, diskettes, and the Internet.
- Access to Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) electronic information is provided at the same level as access to any other electronic information at the New York State Library.
- The New York State Library installs CD-ROM and other electronic FDLP information on demand if it is not already loaded on a public service workstation.
- The New York State Library circulation policies for FDPL information in electronic formats are consistent with its policies for other electronic information acquired by the State Library.
- The New York State Library provides Internet access to FDPL information at no cost to the general public (see separate policy on FDPL Internet Use Policy Guidelines for details).
- The New York State Library's policies for provision of FDLP information by fax and/or e-mail are in accordance with the Library's policies for other types of information.
- The New York State Library provides the ability to download and print FDLP electronic information under the same terms and conditions as it offers for other types of information in its collections.
- The New York State Library provides staff assistance and training to clients using FDLP electronic information products at the same level as it offers for other information in its collections.
- The New York State Library produces user guides for FDLP electronic information.