Libraries and library trustees in New York State (NYS) are supported by one of the most extensive and comprehensive library networks in the country. This network is what makes our libraries strong and resilient.
Each public library is chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, one part of the vast statewide educational system. The Regents' responsibilities include oversight of all educational and cultural institutions, including 757 public libraries, over $1.35 billion in public library operating funds and over 6,000 public and association library trustees.
The Board of Regents appoints the Commissioner of Education, who is the chief executive officer of the State Education Department. Among the major offices of the Education Department is the Office of Cultural Education, which is comprised of the State Archives, State Library, State Museum and the Office of Educational Television and Public Broadcasting. The Assistant Commissioner for Libraries, also known as the State Librarian, is responsible for the activities of the New York State Library, which includes the Regent Joseph E. Bowman, Jr. Research Library, the Division of Library Development (DLD) and the NYS Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL). DLD coordinates and administers federal and state aid programs as well as the rules and regulations that govern public libraries and library systems. DLD also helps to develop new statewide programs of library service and provides guidance on charter changes and other matters that must be referred to the Board of Regents.
Nearer to the local library, and its first source of assistance and resources, is the public library system. Nearly all of the public libraries in the state belong to one of the twenty-three public library systems. There are three types of public library systems: consolidated, federated and cooperative. Each has a different legal structure and relationship with its members or, in the case of consolidated systems, its branches.
A comparison of the types of public library systems is available on the State Library’s website.
Each public library system develops its own plan of service, reflecting the needs of the libraries in the area it serves. Local governance and control allow library systems to offer programs and services that can vary from one region to another. Nevertheless, all public library systems share the same common purpose and responsibility for the development and improvement of their member libraries while saving local tax dollars. As per Commissioner’s Regulations, the public library systems are also responsible for working to provide library service in those areas without public libraries, coordinating resource sharing among member libraries, and ensuring that overuse of a chartered library by an unserved area is fairly addressed. This is approached regionally through each public library system’s Plan of Service as adopted by its member libraries, the system’s Board of Trustees, and the State Library.
Each system is also required to administer the Coordinated Outreach and Central Library Services Aid Programs. The Central Library Services Aid Program invests state funds regionally to acquire and make widely available library materials and information in multiple formats and to provide reference and information services to all residents of the public library system's service area.
Public library system services may include the following:
New York State also supports two other types of library systems that work with the public library systems to broaden the resources available to all residents of the state. Reference and research library resources systems (also known as regional library councils and collectively referred to as the Empire State Library Network (ESLN) were established to enhance resource sharing and to meet specialized reference needs. The councils serve primarily as the systems for academic and special libraries, but their membership also includes public library systems, school library systems, hospital libraries, and specialized libraries of all types. The state is also served by forty school library systems, which are programs of Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and Big Five City Schools. The school library systems provide support services, professional development, consultation, and assistance to both public and non-public school libraries. (More information on library systems in NYS).
The statewide library network works to ensure access to library resources for all New Yorkers. All public library systems and the State Library offer an incredible range of research and learning databases and locally developed digital resources online. The network of the State Library, library systems and New York’s local libraries offers access to books and information resources within the state and worldwide.
Library trustees also have several statewide and national associations available to help them fulfill their mission. Membership and active participation in these organizations not only provide assistance on the local level, but also add significantly to the collective strength and wisdom of library trustees throughout the State and the nation.
The New York Library Association (NYLA) is the statewide organization of library professionals, support staff and advocates. It is dedicated to advancing the interests of all types of libraries and library services in New York State. By representing the library community before the State Legislature, it provides important planning and support in the development of library-related legislation and offers extensive continuing education opportunities through its annual conference and other programs.
The Library Trustees Association Section of the New York Library Association (LTAS) is an important source of support and information for local libraries. LTAS is the state organization for library trustees, offering a range of valuable services. It advocates on behalf of library interests, recognizes the accomplishments of trustees and educates trustees through workshops.
Your library should have a budget line devoted to organizational memberships. Each library benefits from the advocacy and professional development work done by these groups.
Since many issues affecting libraries originate on the federal level, library trustees should be familiar with the American Library Association and its United for Libraries Division. Both organizations work diligently to inform and support libraries, their trustees, and their advocates on a national level.
Each public library is part of this national and statewide library community. An informed trustee is familiar with the members and components of this community and uses the information and opportunities available to improve the programs and services of their local library.