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Civil War Illustrations

Incidents of the Burnside Expedition

Four scenes from the Burnside Expedition, of sinking ships with soldiers and horse sin the water

Caption: [Incidents of the Burnside Expedition]: 1. Loss of the steamer Pocahontas on Hatteras Island, and drowning of nearly a hundred horses; 2. Burying the bodies of Colonel [Joseph] Allen , Surgeon [Frederick] Weller and the second mate to their graves; 3. Total wreck of the screw steamer New York on Hatteras Island, January [sic] 13; 4. Melancholy death of Col. J.W. Allen, Surgeon Weller and the second mate of the Ann E. Thompson, on the 15th January, near Hatteras inlet.

Source: Illustration from Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, February 15, 1862, page 193