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Civil War Illustrations

Uniforms of the Confederate Army - First Row

Row of Confederate soldiers against a backdrop of tents

Caption: Uniforms of the Confederate Army

Source: Illustration from Harper's Weekly, August 17, 1861, page 520-521.

Uniforms of the Confederate Army - First Row Closeups

four Confederate soldiers, one seated, gathered outside a tent, illustrating the uniforms of Confederate troops.

Enlarged view of the left section of the top row of Confederate soldiers, showing infantry uniforms of the regular Confederate troops.

four Confederate soldiers (one partially obscured) in camp, illustrating three styles of Confederate uniforms

Enlarged view of the middle section of the top row of Confederate soldiers, showing uniforms of the cavalry and artillery (regular Confederate troops) and the Louisiana Zouaves.

four Confederate soldiers standing with bayoneted rifles illustrating the uniforms of Confederate troops

Enlarged view of the right section of the top row of Confederate soldiers, showing uniforms of the Washington Artillery of New Orleans; Mississippi Rifles; Heavy Infantry of Georgia; Alabama Light Infantry; and Marine Battery, Manassas Junction.

Uniforms of the Confederate Army - Second Row 

Row of Confederate soldiers some carrying guns, others on horseback

Caption: Uniforms of the Confederate Army

Source: Illustration from Harper's Weekly, August 17, 1861, page 520-521.

Uniforms of the Confederate Army - Second Row Closeups

five Confederate soldiers, one mounted on a horse, illustrating five different Confederate uniform styles

Enlarged view of the left section of the top row of Confederate soldiers, showing uniforms of the Volunteer Infantry of Virginia, First Regiment Maryland Line, South Carolina Light Infantry, Hampton Legion, and Rockingham Battery Artillery.

four Confederate soldiers, three mounted on horses, illustrating four different uniform styles

Enlarged view of the left section of the top row of Confederate soldiers, showing uniforms of the Gentleman of the Road Independent Cavalry; Black Horse Cavalry (Company H, 4th Virginia Cavalry); Dragoon Guards, 14th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry; and Mounted Rifles, North Carolina.

four Confederate soldiers, one mounted, illustrating four different uniform styles.

Enlarged view of the right section of the top row of Confederate soldiers, showing uniforms of the Virginia Cadets, Greyson [Grayson] Dare-devils (Company F, Fourth Virgian Infantry), Kentucky Rifle Brigade and Tennessee Sharp-shooters.