Braille Plus is a fee-based service that will convert print documents to alternative formats, including braille, large print, audio tape or electronic format.
The American Foundation for the Blind's kids' channel was created to teach sighted children about braille and to encourage literacy among all children. Designed for children in grades three through six.
Education Resources and School-Related Information
(formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic): Textbooks and other educational materials in audio format for students (kindergarten through post-graduate studies) with print disabilities. There is an annual fee to use the service.
NYISE is a private, nonprofit, nonsectarian educational facility which provides quality programs for children who are blind or visually disabled, children who are emotionally and learning disabled, and preschoolers who are developmentally delayed.
Offers a variety of distance-education courses, including learning to read Braille. Courses in Braille are offered for both blind and sighted individuals who want to learn Braille.
Part of the NYS Department of Family Services, CBVH provides rehabilitation services to individuals who are legally blind and reside in New York State.
A national resource for people who are blind or visually impaired, the AFB focuses on nonmedical aspects of blindness and visual impairment, including developing and disseminating information, identifying issues that are critical to those who are blind or visually impaired, and educating policy makers and the general public.
This organization has two goals: to help blind people achieve self-confidence and self-respect, and to act as a vehicle for collective self-expression of people who are blind. NFB provides public education about blindness, information and referral services, scholarships, literature and publications about blindness, aids and appliances and other adaptive equipment for the blind, advocacy services and protection of civil rights, Job Opportunities for the Blind, development and evaluation of technology, and support for blind persons and their families.
A guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and other professionals. The monthly newsletter, LD Online Report, has useful information for all of these groups.
A national, non-profit, volunteer organization, LDA is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all individuals with learning disabilities and their families.
Part of the NYS Education Department, ACCESS-VR (formerly VESID) oversees special education services for students in public and private schools, provides vocational rehabilitation services (e.g. vocational assessment, vocational counseling, and job training and placement), and administers 15 Early Childhood Direction Centers and 38 Independent Living Centers.
The Justice Center's vision is that "[p]eople with special needs shall be protected from abuse, neglect and mistreatment. This will be accomplished by assuring that the state maintains the nation's highest standards of health, safety and dignity; and by supporting the dedicated men and women who provide services."
The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, programs and services provided by state and local governments, goods and services provided by private companies, and in commercial facilities. This site is maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice, which provides technical assistance and enforcement for ADA.
Based at the University of Buffalo, this site serves as a community resource for consumers and professionals by providing disability information in a wide variety of areas. The site provides information on topics such as education, government documents, computer access, legal issues, aging, assistive technology, and universal design for local (Buffalo and western NY), state, national and international audiences.