Publication of surveys on science and engineering education, research and development funding, the impact of information technology; and demographics on scientists and engineers.
United States Department of Agriculture Research programs, news, a photo gallery and current and previous online issues of Agricultural Research Magazine.
USDA online and print magazine intended to make material researched by the Economic Research Service accessible and useful. Trends, legal issues, health and international influences are all covered.
An electronic collection of historically important texts on agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops, crop protection, soil science, food science, forestry, and nutrition. Maintained by the Mann Library at Cornell University.
Search Agricola, the library's database of article citations on agriculture, animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil and water resources, alternative farming practices and more.
A resource for professional astronomers, teachers, kids and others with images, games, and multiple astronomy databases with advanced query capabilities including SQL run directly from the website.
A national resource for molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics information. Searchable databases include: GenBank, which is built of DNA sequences submitted by individual laboratories; Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM); Entrez, which provides users to sequence, mapping , taxonomy, and graphical views of chromosome maps; and BLAST, which can execute sequence searches against the entire DNA database in less than 15 seconds.
A professor at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale shares his expertise on this field of plant biology. Includes photographs, distribution maps, phylogeny, DNA material, and bibliographic references.
A reference guide to chemical constants, formulas and other data from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Over 40,000 compounds are covered. This is currently a free resource though the NIST explicitly reserves the right to charge for it in the future.
Technical details of how various aspects of computers work in plain language. Other topics available on this site include computer programming, security and a wide variety of other technology topics.
Over 600 searchable, full-text articles on intelligent systems and control mechanisms. A repository of free C++ and Java code is also hosted at this site.
A group responsible for standardizing the Web. Here one can read technical reports and recommendations for such things as XML, HTML, CSS and other things that make the World Wide Web what it is.
One of 23 National Science Foundation Science and Technology Centers, the Southern California Earthquake Center estimates when and where future earthquakes will occur in Southern California and communicates this information to the public. Includes earthquake myths, house safety tips and earthquake basics.
Information on outdoor activities, animals, plants, and aquatic life, pollution, energy, climate, education, permits and licenses, and some forms and maps. An electronic versions of portions of Title 6 of the NYCRR (Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York) which covers environmental conservation is also available.
From the American Geosciences Institute, this website contains information about geoscience careers and resources for educators. The Image Bank, a database with over 6,000 quality photos, is searchable by category, continent, country, and keyword.
A joint project of Cornell University's Institute for the Study of Continents and the Department of Geological Sciences, ongoing projects include developing a comprehensive information system for the geosciences, interactive mapping and digital data sets for the entire globe and an understanding of the continent-continent collision mechanism along the Eurasian-Arabian plate boundary in eastern Turkey.
As the Nation's largest earth, water, and biological sciences and civilian mapping agency, this bureau's Web site contains a vast amount of information. You will find a geographic names database, digital topographic maps, digital aerial photographs, as well as data on earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes, birds, fish, water resources and much more.
Solid, educational information on volcanoes presented in a lighthearted manner. Photographs of current eruptions and volcano listings and descriptions by name and location. Maintained by Oregon State University.
A project of the American Institute of Physics, this site covers the history of modern physics and the allied fields of astronomy, geophysics and optics. Highlights include virtual exhibits, the Niels Bohr Library's finding aids and the Institute's International Catalog of Sources of archival materials held in repositories around the world.
The University of Oxford's collection of historic scientific instruments--western and non-western. It is possible to view much of the collection on the Web via the museum's online library of over 8,000 images.
The official site of the Nobel Prize, listing the Nobel Laureates as well as articles, often about the history of science, written by Laureates. The site also includes educational games and simulations relating to Nobel Prize-winning discoveries and inventions.
An ambitious effort by concerned scientists and physicians to make scientific discoveries accessible to all. This site currently houses five journals on biological and medical topics which are completely available to the public free of charge.
Full-text and bibliographic information of reports from U.S. Department of Energy grantees and national laboratories going back to 1995. Topics range from renewable energy to biology and computers.
Information on outdoor activities, animals, plants, and aquatic life, pollution, energy, climate, education, permits and licenses, and some forms and maps. An electronic versions of portions of Title 6 of the NYCRR (Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York) which covers environmental conservation is also available.
Lists New York State agencies and local governments that have produced GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data, some of which is downloadable. Information on the New York State GIS data-sharing cooperative for government agencies and not-for-profit organizations and links to GIS educational and training opportunities is also provided.
A research museum whose scientists actively study New York State's geology, biology, anthropology, and history. Features virtual exhibitions on the Erie Canal, the Shaker Collection, Stark's Knob Scientific Reservation, The People of Colonial Albany, Contemporary Native American Crafts, and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) datasets.
Brookhaven National Laboratory's online databases of nuclear structure and decay and nuclear reactions. Also included are palm pilot tools, manuals, code and links.
Two tours of nuclear science and the T-2 group are available here. One is aimed at students of high school students. The other at a more sophisticated knowledge of nuclear science. A collection of nuclear data, computer codes for nuclear data and publications on the use of both is also present.
A joint project of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Sweden's Lund University, this site contains data on nuclear structure and radioactive decay. There's also an "ABC's of Nuclear Science" for high school students and undergraduates.
This site hosts a collection of online exhibits on the geologic history of life, evolution and phylogeny as well as resources directed at K-12 educators for classroom use.
A very straightforward, no-nonsense online introduction to statistics hosted by NASA. This website would be especially appropriate as a refresher course.
Pages of information about wolves aimed at the general public, children, educators and scientists. A partially annotated bibliography and a glossary of terms used by wolf researchers are quite helpful features of the site as well.
America's first wildlife experimental station. Research projects include bird population studies, amphibian monitoring, and effects of environmental contaminants
This Web site from the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) includes a searchable database of university researchers and educational links to zoology-related Web sites.