Use the MedHunt search engine to find authoritative medical Web sites that meet the not-for-profit Health On the Net Foundation's Code of Conduct criteria.
A gateway to consumer health and human services information from the U.S. government. Links to selected online publications, clearinghouses, databases, Web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and non-profit organizations that produce reliable health information for the public.
A searchable Web site that contains health news and a medical references library from a team of physicians, scientists, writers, and educators at the Mayo Clinic.
Continually updated, this is a great searchable Web site to get up-to-date news, articles, and information about infectious agents and diseases. In addition to bioterrorism, topics covered include biosecurity, influenza, food safety, and more.
Reliable source for information about how to prepare for, and respond to, various emergencies, including bioterrorism, chemical emergencies, radiation emergencies, mass casualties, natural disasters, and severe weather. This searchable site is produced and maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Quality sites selected by the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. Links to an overview of infectious agents, treatments, prevention/screening, pictures/diagrams, alternative therapy, research, glossaries, laws and policies, and organizations. Information for children is also available from this site.
Customized for three different sets of health consumers--parents, children and teens. Covers fitness, nutrition, behavior, parenting, health hazards, and more.
Provided by the National Institute of Environmental Health Services, this searchable site provides games, songs, riddles, stories, coloring pages, jokes, and links to other kid-friendly pages.
This site is a collection of reliable links to information about clinical trials, including: news, how clinical trials work, financial concerns, dictionaries, directories, organizations, laws and policies, statistics, and clinical trials for children.
Search for current clinical trials by type of cancer, stage of cancer, type of trial, and location. This site also reports on the results of completed clinical trials.
A division of the National Institutes of Health, the NCCAM conducts research and disseminates information on complementary and alternative medicine to practitioners and the public.
This site is maintained by the Integrative Medicine Service Staff at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. This searchable database provides information on each agent, including its adverse effects, interactions, and possible benefits or problems. Evaluations of alternative cancer therapies are also available.
A "multimedia specialized information resource" comprised of over 56,000 teaching files, 126,300 medical cases, 1,068 multimedia textbooks and 1,475 multimedia tutorials, a "virtual" medical center and some recreational information, too.
The online version of the Merck Manual Home Health Handbook, a useful and searchable medical handbook. Contains photographs, audio and video materials not found in the print version and is updated periodically with new information.
This searchable and browsable site lists most brand name and generic drugs approved by the FDA since 1939, including over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and discontinued drugs. Searchers can use this site to locate labels for approved drugs, generic or therapeutic equivalents for brand name drugs, consumer information for drugs approved since 1998, specific active ingredients, and approval histories.
Cancer information from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that is reviewed regularly by oncology experts and is based on the latest research. Search PDQ, NCI's comprehensive cancer database, which includes summaries on cancer treatment, screening, prevention and ongoing clinical trials.
Public health information on infectious diseases, travelers' advisories, research funding, and much more from this respected government agency branch of doctors, scientists and public health professionals.
A good starting point for finding Federal health information because the HHS is a huge agency. Its more than 300 programs are administered by 11 operating divisions: the Indian Health Service, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the Health Care Financing Administration, the Administration for Children and Families, the Administration on Aging, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The world's largest biomedical library online. Topics as wide-ranging as medical history to biotechnology are covered. Its MEDLINE database of more than 9 million journal citations and abstracts can be searched for free via Internet Grateful Med or PubMed.
Produced by the American Heart Association, this searchable Web site provides tools for users to increase physical activity in their lives. It includes an exercise diary, fitness resources, and personalized fitness suggestions.
Information on specific mental disorders, diagnosis and treatment, grants and contracts, news and events, and research activities. The NIMH is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical and behavioral research agency of the United States Government.
This site contains information about home health agencies and hospice programs in New York State. Where possible, quality of care measurements are provided.
This searchable site allows users to find information about a physician in New York State. Required information includes: doctor's medical education, translation services at specific offices, and legal actions taken against specific doctors. Optional information includes: practice information, articles and research papers published by specific doctors, a personal statement by the doctor, and more. The data on this website is maintained by the New York State Department of Health.
This site offers access to the abstracts and table of contents and select full-text articles of Cancer, a journal published on behalf of the American Cancer Society, from 1948 to the present.
Full text from articles selected from Harvard's health newsletters: Harvard Health Letter, Harvard Mental Health Letter, Harvard Women's Health Watch, Harvard Men's Health Watch, and Harvard Heart Letter. The table of contents is also available for all of these newsletters.
Prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The data in the weekly MMWR are provisional, based on weekly reports to CDC by state health departments.
This century-old organization advances quality nursing education. The Web site includes nursing references--print, multimedia and electronic sources--as well as academic job opportunities.
Produced by the National Agricultural Library, this searchable site offers links to information about eating disorders, dietary guidelines, food composition, food guide pyramid, dietary supplements, and more. There are also databases of training and educational materials.
Information on a variety of food-related issues can be searched or browsed on the site. Topics include adult nutrition, nutrition for children and adolescents, dietary fats and fat replacers, and food safety information.
Detailed nutrition information for more than a thousand foods can be searched on this site provided by the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This searchable site provides access to all government Web sites with nutrition and dietary information, including: prevention of food-related diseases, the food pyramid, food labels, health management, recipes, nutrition and food assistance programs, and more.
This site contains information about donating organs with links to other sites and organizations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Includes a printable donor card in Adobe Portable Document File format.
The American Medical Association's Doctor Finder database contains basic background information on all licensed physicians in the United States. Search by physician's name or specialty.
Hospital Compare includes information that will help consumers compare the quality of information available in hospital outpatient departments. It compares the quality of care provided in the hospitals that agree to submit data on the quality of certain services they provide for certain conditions.
The nation's leading health care quality evaluator allows you to check up on your local hospitals, surgery centers, nursing homes, and health care organizations using its "Quality Check" service. Also provides information about selecting a health care organization and registering complaints about accredited facilities.
The Association of American Medical Colleges has a Web site that is filled with free resources regarding medical and dental education. The Web site contains peer-reviewed teaching resources such as tutorials, virtual patients, simulation cases, lab guides, videos, podcasts, assessment tools, etc.
This federation of 140 not-for-profit voluntary health organizations serves people with rare disorders and disabilities. Search the Rare Disease Database, the Organizational Database and the Orphan Drug Designation Database for information on specific rare disorders.
Compilation of material about rare diseases and the "so-called 'orphan drugs' which are intended to treat diseases so rare that sponsors are reluctant to develop them under usual marketing conditions." Browse resources on rare diseases and orphan drugs (such as encyclopedias, newsletters, and clinical trials) for patients, professionals, industry, and organizations. Also available in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Formerly the World Health Organization Statistical Information System (WHOSIS), the Global Health Observatory provides global statistical and epidemiological data.
A health question and answer service provided by the Health Education Division of Columbia University Health Services. "Alice" answers questions--anonymously and publicly--each week about health, sexual health, relationships, general health, fitness, nutrition, emotional well-being, and alcohol and other drugs. All of Alice's answers are archived and searchable.
Patients and medical professionals alike will find information on such topics as contraceptives, medications, infertility, grief, medical procedures, mental health, pregnancy and birth, raising children, sexuality and reproductive health and fitness.
This site contains a database on reproductive health, with citations and abstracts to scientific articles, reports, books, and unpublished reports in the field of population, family planning, and related health issues. Search or browse by topic such as adolescent pregnancy, contraceptive security, and AIDS prevention. Maintained by the INFO Project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
From the Department of Health and Human Services Office of International and Refugee Health (OIRH), this searchable Web site focuses on the link between health in the US and worldwide health. This site is a great source for up-to-date world health news.
The directing and coordinating authority on international health, the WHO's mission is "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."