The Council's mission is to guide foundations and corporations in their day-to-day grant-making activities. It does not provide services to grant-seekers. However, the site provides an abundance of philanthropic background information, including a glossary of terms and an alphabetical list of links to Council members' Web sites.
Formerly known as the Foundation Center, Candid collects, organizes, analyzes and distributes information on foundations. The Web site includes the top U.S. Foundations by total giving, starting points for grant seekers, grant maker Web sites and a nationwide list of Cooperating Collections (free funding information centers), which includes the New York State Library.
A directory of over 700 financial resources on the Web. It features a nonprofit forum for exchanging ideas, financial aid and scholarship resources for students, a quick reference guide to region-specific grant makers, and new funding announcements.
GrantSpace, a service of the Foundation Center, offers information and resources that are specifically designed to meet the needs of nonprofits worldwide in need of know-how for securing funding and operating effective organizations. GrantSpace services include access to webinars, podcasts, reference assistance, training and events, further resources for grants, and much more.
A project of Action Without Borders, a global coalition dedicated to finding solutions to social and environmental problems. Idealist contributes to this mission by listing 20,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 140 countries, tools for nonprofits, nonprofit jobs, and Web resources for managing and funding nonprofit organizations.
The National Center for Charitable Statistics of the Urban Institute provides reports on charitable giving by public charities, private charities and households. Statistics can be broken down by state, county, assets, revenue and more.
A starting point for those interested in information on foundations, fundraising, proposal writing, philanthropy, government funding, nonprofit organizations, planned giving, prospect research, and voluntarism.
offers answers to a variety of questions about managing nonprofits by providing hands-on tips, articles, and profiled links to lead nonprofit managers to sources of information.
Numerous sources of funding for green building are available at the national, state, and local levels for homeowners, industry, government organizations, and nonprofits. The links on this page are provided to help you find a variety of funding sources, including grants, tax-credits, loans, or others.
A compilation of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities which provide assistance or benefits to the American public. A new edition of the catalog is issued each June and updated in December.
The official publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices from Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.
The NEH funds projects and programs that preserve and study our cultural heritage. Its site includes grant application guidelines and deadlines, new funding announcements, a directory of State Humanities Councils, and a list of NEH-supported projects.
The NIH funds the medical research of scientists at universities, hospitals, medical schools and research institutions in the U.S. and abroad. This site includes information about ongoing grant programs and special initiatives and application instructions and forms for grant programs, fellowships, research projects and career development awards.
This independent U.S. government agency invests over $3.3 billion per year in science and engineering research through grants, contracts and cooperative agreements. The site includes information on grants and awards. It also has online application forms for these grants and awards.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Federal agency responsible for improving rehabilitative services for substance abuse and mental illness, issues grants to state and local governments, treatment centers, nonprofit organizations, and others to achieve its mandate. The site lists current and ongoing grant opportunities, assistance with grant applications, and information on technical assistance workshops.
Membership association of professional fundraisers which promotes high fundraising ethics and standards. The site features a directory of fundraising consultants and news releases.
Fund-raising Web sites compiled by the Chronicle of Philanthropy. The site provides information on direct mail campaigns, non-profit management, fund-raising seminars, sample fund-raising plans, tools to evaluate campaigns, and state-by-state registration requirements.
The Council's mission is to guide foundations and corporations in their day-to-day grant-making activities. It does not provide services to grant-seekers. Provides an abundance of information for philanthropic people and organizations.
An advocacy organization for nonprofits. The National Federation of Nonprofits and the Direct Marketing Association’s Nonprofit Council merged in 2000 and became the DMA Nonprofit Federation.
GuideStar seeks to improve the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector by providing a searchable database of nonprofit organizations in the U.S; includes Forms 990-PF (financial disclosure forms filed by charities with the Internal Revenue Service) for 61,000 private foundations.
A project of the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at the Urban Institute, the NCCS is the national repository of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States; includes Forms 990 which are financial disclosure forms filed by charities with the Internal Revenue Service.
The New York State Council for the Arts makes over 2500 grants to arts organizations throughout New York State. Information about current funding opportunities and past grants is provided.
The New York State Grats Gateway consists of two sections. The Grants Opportunity Portal provides one stop shopping for grants seekers looking for grant opportunities from New York State agencies. The Grantee Document Vault allows grantees and potential applicants to store key documents in a single secure location for use by all state agencies offering grant opportunities. Registration is required, but free. Additional information about grants is available at
A nonprofit membership association of grantmaking organizations in the tri-state area. Although NYRAG is not a grantmaking association, it offers opportunities for grantseekers to meet funders, publishes an online, full-text newsletter and provides a New York/New Jersey Common Application Form, which is accepted by 60 grantmaking organizations.
Fund raisers and grant makers alike keep current with the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the bi-weekly newspaper of the nonprofit world. Although some information is restricted to Chronicle subscribers only, the site lists the Web addresses of foundations; upcoming grants deadlines; descriptions of regional workshops, seminars and conferences; includes some full-text articles from the current and past issues of the Chronicle.
Provides a starting point for individuals interested in finding more information on foundations, fundraising, proposal writing, and more, with a focus on academic resources.
Information for elementary and secondary school administrators and teachers looking for information on foundations, fundraising, proposal writing, etc.
The NIH funds the medical research of scientists at universities, hospitals, medical schools and research institutions in the U.S. and abroad. The site includes information about ongoing grant programs, special initiatives, application instructions, forms for grant programs, fellowships, research projects and career development awards.
This independent U.S. government agency invests over $3.3 billion per year in science and engineering research through grants, contracts and cooperative agreements. The site includes information on grants and awards and online application forms and deadlines.
The New York State Council for the Arts makes over 2500 grants to arts organizations throughout New York State. Information about current funding opportunities and past grants is provided.